Cloud Databases: Shifting Towards  the Cloud


In the recent scenario, it is becoming common where the Software development organizations are shifting towards  the Cloud. Cloud databases are one of the outcomes a recent development

CLOUD DATABASE :  It can be explained as a database that is built, deployed, and accessed through a cloud platform. A cloud database enhances all the  functionalities of a traditional database by combining it with the cloud computing flexibility.

- A cloud database can be private, public, or hybrid.

- Cloud database comes in two environment models, as follows:

a) the traditional cloud model    b) Database-as-a-Service (DBaaS).]


Figure 1:  Two  environmental model of cloud databases

Advantages of Working with Cloud Databases

Cloud possesses enormous advantages and thus extremely beneficial to use. They  are depicted as:

Figure 2:  Advantages  of  cloud databases


Description of Cloud Databases

(1) Amazon Web Service (AWS):


-  Become the market leader in the DBaaS space.

- Offers supplementary data-management services such as Redshift, a data warehouse and Data Pipeline which is a data integrating service for easier data management.


Amazon’s current offerings include:

(i)  Amazon RDS – Amazon’s Relational Database Service runs on either Oracle, SQL    

      or MySQL server instances.

(ii)  Amazon SimpleDB - A schema-less database that is meant to handle smaller workloads.

(iii) Amazon DynamoDB – It is NoSQL databases (SSD), capable of  automatically    

       replicating workloads across three availability zone.


Strengths:  Lots of Features, Easy to Use, Good Support and Documentation

Weaknesses:   Not Too Customizable, Downtimes as per Amazon’s Schedule


(2) Oracle Database


-  Provides companies with enterprise-scale DB technology stored in the cloud.

-The Generation 2 offering has consistently higher performance with extensive governance and security controls.


- Data migration is also covered with a dedicated solution and tight customer support in case any technical issues or questions arise.


Strengths: Intuitive Interface, Easy to Use, Solid Customer Support

Weaknesses: No Free Version, No Mobile Access, Pricey for Small Companies


(3) Microsoft Azure


- A platform for VM creation, building and running web-based applications, smart client applications, and XML web services. It offers the biggest range of software that a modern company needs today.

- It currently boasts the biggest and strongest global infrastructure, with 55 regions, more than any other cloud provider.


Strengths: Comprehensive Solution, Good Security, Strong Ecosystem

Weaknesses: Iffy Customer Service, Not User Friendly


(4) Google Cloud Platform


- Its solutions are being adopted by more and more businesses of different sizes

- It has sensible  approach and comprehensive documentation which reduces stress on developers, IT professionals, and other stakeholders.

- Allowing to scale while doing more with analytics and integrations.


Strengths: Comprehensive Documentation, Good for Small and Big Businesses

Weaknesses: Not Yet at the Level of the Big Three (AWS, Oracle, Azure)

(5) IBM DB2


-  Delivers advanced data management and analytics capabilities for transactional  

    and warehousing workloads.

- Possess high performance, actionable insights, data availability and reliability,

   and it is supported across Linux, Unix, and Windows.


Strengths: Well Designed Product, Easy Migration Process

Weaknesses: Average Customer Service, Pricey, Mediocre Functionality


(6) MongoDB Atlas


- It is a popular open-source NoSQL database that offers powerful scaling, sharding,       

   and automation capabilities.

 - Helps developers to speed through continuous delivery models without any  

    database administrator (DBA) assistance.


Strengths: Strong Support Community, Quick Installation, Flexibility

Weaknesses: NoSQL Only, Can be Challenging for New/Inexperienced Devs


(7) OpenStack


- These databases come in managed or hosted cloud databases.

- Rackspace is highly customizable, its architecture is easy to understand and implement.

- This  community collaborates around a six-month, time-based release cycle with frequent development milestones.


Strengths: Good Value for Money, Easy to Use

Weaknesses: Cumbersome Interface, Some Stability Issues



 Cloud computing serves many of the same functions as a traditional database with the added flexibility of cloud computing. Users no longer have to deploy the dependent middleware to deliver database requests anywhere in the world. It is now possible to potentially scale up our development cycle within reasonable cost and resources.





Dr. Seema Maitrey

Computer science and engineering

KIET Group of Institutions,

Delhi-NCR, Ghaziabad


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